The Boys Room!!!! This picture makes me so happy. River and Ryder have been in the same room for about 3 weeks now and they are doing great. It's like they were meant to share a room. No jealousy, no missing their "own" rooms - the transition really has been fairly easy and I'm so grateful. It's a good sized room so it works really well and they have plenty of room to play cars : ) Tony and I had a big toy clean out and packed a big bin of toys to rotate because there was no way to fit them all in their shared room, but I'm not ready to let them all go just yet especially with another little boy on the way. Thanks to Nana, they have fabulous matching bedding (which also matches baby's bedding : )
Tony also hung these rain gutter bookshelves in their room so we'd have more bookshelf space for toys and the books would be more accessible and visible. This is something I've been envisioning for a while and I'm beyond thrilled to see it come to life. It's amazing how transforming even a simple thing like a book shelve can be.
A Board Book shelf! We have a million board books all over the house
and while I'm thrilled that Rdyer loves them and reads them nonstop,
I've been trying to figure out a better way to house them than just
piled up in bins. They are so short that it seems silly to use a whole
book shelf for them, so I've been bugging Tony to help me figure out a
way to make a smaller shelf for them. While we were organizing the boys
closet, we realized it would be a simpler solution that we thought.
Tony simply raised the shelf up a bit and... voila! I got my board book
shelf! Happy Day! Again, amazing the effect these bookshelves are
having on me...
I have been dying to get some see-through drawers in the top of the boys' closet to put their outgrown/ off-season clothes so that I know where they are for the next boy that needs them. Too often, when clothes go into a bin in the basement, I totally forget about them or can't find them until after the season they would have been used for, etc. Or worst, I end up buying something new because I didn't realize we already it packed up somewhere. I call this the "boy store" and everything is labeled 2t summer, 18mos winter, etc. I am so, so so happy to finally have this done! Thank you to Nana for hooking us up with the awesome drawers!
Baby boy's room: updated by Nana : ) Still waiting to put his name on the wall - when we finally see his little face and decide...
Freezer meals!!! I wasn't sure that we were going to get a free day to get this done, but this past Sunday God gave us a blessed open morning and just enough energy to prep 11 meals. It was the best I had felt in a while. (After prepping the meals, we all cleaned the whole house and then I went to SipNPaint with some girlfriends. It was such a fulfilling day for me.) They are frozen and ready for Tony to toss into the crockpot or oven.
2 lasagnas, 2 red beans and rice, 2 sweet and sour meatballs, 1 chili, 1 spaghetti sauce, 1 tortilla soup, 1 chicken soup, 1 teriyaki chicken.