I'm sort of stealing this idea from some friends of mine who started this really great blog called 2 girls turning thirty. I'm turning 30 next June (yikes!) and I decided to make a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30. This fits in with the "little adventures" theme because while I won't be going sky diving or getting a tattoo these "little" things are still pretty adventurous for me : ) I will provide updates along the way...
My List
1. Blog : )
2. Do a triathlon with my Mom (Aug. 5th!)
3. Nurse Ryder for a year (only 9 months to go!)
4. Start freezing meals
5. Pray regularly with Tony
6. Make home made baby food
7. Do a 5k as a family of 5
8. Stop biting my nails
9. Have a "computer fast" (either one day a week or fast for a whole week, etc)
10. Memorize 12 Bible verses
11. Read a book a month (first up, Jitterbug Perfume)
12. Get pregnant (yikes!)
13. Try deceptively delicious recipes
14. Create a system for actually remembering friends and family's birthdays
15. Play the piano/guitar more
16. Have "yes days" with the kids
17. Have a kid-free weekend (this will be a hard one)
18. Help Scout write letters to family members as part of our routine
19. Incorporate a walk with all 3 kids into our day
20. Sign up for an Olympic Triathlon ( a Sprint if I achieve #12 : )
21. Try 10 new recipes
22. Move towards eating "clean"
23. Try 5 new restaurants
24. Family "TV fast"
25. Drink more water
26. Figure out how to do my own shellac manicures/pedicures at home
That's all I've got so far. Any suggestions for the last 4?
How about traveling? Or record a cd! I would buy one!