Saturday, March 30, 2013

30 before I turn 30 - update!

My List - update!

 1.  Blog : ) 
 2.  Do a triathlon with my Mom
 3.  Nurse Ryder for a year  - 2 weeks to go!
 4.  Start freezing meals
 5.  Pray regularly with Tony - This is one of my May resolutions for my "happiness project" so we'll see...
 6.  Make home made baby food
 7.  Do a 5k as a family of 5 - Bunny Bolt was a huge success!
 8.  Stop biting my nails - yeah, no...
 9.  Have a "computer fast" (either one day a week or fast for a whole week, etc)
10. Memorize 12 Bible verses
11. Read a book a month Searching for Alaska, Namesake, The Well Trained Mind, Read Aloud Handbook, The Circus in Winter, the 19th Wife, Still Alice, Year of Magical Thinking, The Fault in our Stars, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Happiness Project... 1 more to go!
12. Get pregnant (yikes!)
13. Try deceptively delicious recipes
14. Create a system for actually remembering friends and family's birthdays   If I've remembered your bday then you know this is working : )

15. Play the piano/guitar more This is also going on my "happiness project" list - for June
16. Have "yes days" with the kids
17. Have a kid-free weekend (this will be a hard one)
18. Help Scout write letters to family members as part of our routine
19. Incorporate a walk with all 3 kids into our day
20. Sign up for an Olympic Triathlon (a Sprint if I achieve #12 : ) Signed up for 3 Sprints this summer - can't wait!!!
21. Incorporate 10 new recipes into our monthly menu - 6 so far; post to come; from scratch red beans and rice, creamy chicken and wild rice soup, crock pot potato soup and creamy tortilla soup, green smoothies, shrimp and black bean chili
22. Move towards eating "clean"doing good : )
23. Try 5 new restaurants just 1 - Five Guys and I dont' even think that constitutes a"restaurant"
24. Family "TV fast" - we no longer watch TV during the week.  This was way easier than I though it would be : ) and the kids honestly don't miss it.
25. Drink more water
26. Figure out how to do my own shellac manicures/pedicures at home Going Great! Post in the works : ) Just did my toenails for the first time (and of course forgot to take pics)
27. Do a triathlon with Tony 
28. Try 100 new recipes  - 41 so far... I don't know if I'm gonna make this one : (
29. Make some homemade Christmas gifts with the kids
30. Try organic cleaning supplies/ body care items: homemade deodorant, laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, diaper cream, dish washing liquid, etc

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