Sunday, March 31, 2013

Snow Day

One of the things I love about Denver is that pretty much anytime from November to early June the temperatures can range from the teens all the way to the 70s and it could be cloudy, sunny, snowy or windy - many times in the same day!  They say "If you don't like the weather in Denver, wait 5 minutes."  As much as I love the sunny outdoor-friendly days that we are so often blessed with, I also love when a snow storm brings the city to a pause and forces everyone to slow down a little.  The Hawkins family was very excited about this early spring snow day.  We cleared our schedules, stocked up on fun "snow day food" and brought the firewood inside.  It was cold and snowy outside, but inside we were all snuggly and warm enjoying our  lazy day complete with games by the fire, crawfish corn chowder and some much needed rest.  The next morning, Tony took the kids out sledding at the park down the street.  So grateful for our little snowy adventure.

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