Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Happiness Project - resolutions and charts

"Motivation is what gets you started.  Habit is what keeps you going."  

Jim Ryun, long distance runner

A good friend of mine has been training for and running half marathons,  When asked by her husband, what the best part of her run was, she replied "When I go upstairs and mark off that I finished it."
I completely get that.  I don't know if it's just a female thing, but I love a checklist, a sticker chart, a progress report, etc.  It just feels good to make a visible mark of that achievement.  So here is the monthly chart that I'm using to organize my resolutions for my "happiness project".  I went ahead and included the items for future months as well, so that they'd be there even if I don't start them right away.  The "new habit" for June was to "celebrate loved ones by writing 1 note or card a day." So that's the column that I'm looking to have the most Xs in it this month.   When something seemed extra difficult to do (like having a weekly date night and a weekly "no TV" night)  I decided to start with a "monthly" goal for that resolution and then hopefully I can increase the frequency to "weekly" eventually.  I plan to adjust the chart each month and tailor it to "where I am" at that time.
(If you'd like to use this template, I'd be happy to send you the document file.  Just let me know.)
Here is a list of my specific resolutions for my "happiness project"  I'm sure I will adjust the last few months as they seem so far away.  I tried to make it as big as I could get it - I'm still new to this blogging thing (grin) Let me know if you'd like me to send you the document file so you can see if better.

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